About Me

Welcome to my website GreenHealthToday!

Great seeing you here! More and more people are taking responsibility for their health.

I can’t really say when it all started with me… years ago… at some point in my earlier life, I was so frustrated about the foods we were able to buy. Maybe I heard so much controversial information about it (e.g. organic vs. conventional foods)… or simply too many people I knew might have had health issues, or whatever it was… it then became my prime interest. Whatever triggered me 13 years ago, health-related topics are my passion ever since. Over the many years, I learned so much… always trying to improve my knowledge, and introducing healthy eating to my family.

Now, I want to share my findings with you. We were never taught how to eat for our body but for our taste buds! Our body has requirements, and unfortunately… limitations too! If the requirements aren’t met… guess what… health problems will show up.

A little story about my health journey

Changing the way you eat is NOT simple. The pattern we adopt from our childhood or establish through adult life sticks to us like glue. My mom always said that fruits and vegetables are not a real meal. A real meal is something that has been heated, cooked, and prepared… and in spite of it… my mom is still alive and doing okay-ish…. in spite of her overweight, 35 years of diabetes, and now cancer. She doesn’t know it any better. She accepted it. She doesn’t believe that the food we eat determines our state of health.

Well, originally and so did I. Naturally, I am healthy and lean… didn’t have to go to any lengths to stay that way.

Then I became a mom. From day one, you are responsible for the health of that new human being. At least for the first years… the years when you establish the patterns. If it wouldn’t have been for the GMO controversy or conventional vs. organic food debates… I might never have found my way into all of this. But so it was… back in 2008… I remember so clearly… pushing along my shopping cart at a grocery store aisle with neatly stacked processed foods on both sides. My stomach was wrenching… they said already 80% of the food was genetically modified by then. There was not much I could feed my family… so I thought. I didn’t want that poisoning stuff. What now?

And so my health journey began.

I spent hours researching facts and information for years. And I still do so. It is a continuous study. There is always something worth to be checked out. The hardest part is to get rid of our preconceived ideas and old habits. At first, it was difficult to convince my husband and older son to buy into a change. The more I learned to make healthy food taste great, the more they liked it as well. But some changes remained only for me… (e.g. green juices).

What’s your health journey?

I wonder what lead you to my website? Are you looking to incorporate smart choices to become fitter and happier?  That is exactly the way I did it. If all the many people I researched over the years wouldn’t have put out their knowledge… well, I wouldn’t have known anything. I couldn’t have told you either. I am not a scientist… I am just a mom who wanted to know more about being and staying healthy for the whole family and particularly for myself in these changing times.

At greenhealthtoday.com I am not just talking about things in green color. I am talking about everything healthy and of interest to me. Everything that helped me to feel better (not just physically also mentally). It is a good feeling when you know you are eating the best food you can get nowadays. There were so many little changes. The digestion was a big change and also the lifted brain fog. My fingernails became as strong as ever. That was like magic. I also never have seen a pimple anymore. My skin is just perfect. And lastly, my energy skyrocketed. I went back to university at age 47.

Little changes go a long way

They do! Here is another story… 20 years ago I was traveling through Italy. Along my way, I picked up a few warts on the sole of my feet. I got rid of all but one… and that one stayed with me for 20 years! I tried everything to get rid of it… and I almost gave up. Until recently… I still used the same liquid wart remover… but it never really worked. And now the wart just disappeared. I am still in awe! What have I done differently? Nothing! Wait… I do drink a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar with tea every morning for a couple of months now. Could that be a remedy? I might never know…. but little changes go a long way… it’s like magic.

Feel free to leave me a comment below or email me at ines@greenhealthtoday.com. I am more than happy to connect with you.


Get into your “Green Health” habit today!

Ines from greenhealthtoday.com